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Research & Key Publications

Key Publications

Value of Family Medicine

A straightforward overview of the unique challenges and successes experienced by family physicians. Essential for healthcare professionals, it emphasizes the significant role and indispensable contributions of family medicine in today's healthcare landscape.


Televised medical talk shows—what they recommend and the evidence to support their recommendations: a prospective observational study

To determine the quality of health recommendations and claims made on televised medical talk shows that air daily (The Dr. Oz Show and The Doctors).


What are the most common conditions in primary care?

A systematic review identifying the most commonly presenting conditions in primary care globally, and to compare common reasons for visits as reported by clinicians and patients.


Who provides chronic disease management? Population-based retrospective cohort study in Alberta

To determine the proportions of patients who receive care from family physicians, specialists, and nurse practitioners for the management of common chronic medical conditions.


Blood pressure targets for older adults with high blood pressure

We wanted to find out if a higher blood pressure target would reduce risk the same and be safer in older adults than the lower blood pressure targets used for the population at large.


BedMed – The High Blood Pressure Study

Coming Soon!


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